The Way To Route 66 Is To Pass 65【電子書籍】[ Alyson Hawksworth ]
<p>Alyson Hawksworth is a young writer who believes that her life thus far has been both ordinary and extraordinary.</p><p>Ordinary in that she grew up in rural Eastern Ontario in the ‘60’s in a family of 6 children whose parents were both WW2 Veterans.</p><p>Ordinary in that her parents dreamed that their children would be educated and pursue livelihoods that were both personally satisfying and also of practical use to the community and to their country.</p><p>From these humble beginnings came extraordinary experiences involving remarkable people that Alyson met along the way.</p><p>The Way To Route 66 Is To Pass 65 is a collection of 65 short stories describing this journey and involved many tears, much laughter and many sighs. The collection was written for Alyson’s daughter with the intent that she also laugh, maybe cry, but ultimately feel the excitement of a life richly lived- thus far.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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